Standard Operating Procedures (Last Updated 2022)

To ensure safe and sanitary operation of facilities and to supply enjoyable recreation for all members and their guests, the following rules and regulations have been set up for the benefit and protection of all users of the Burton Hollow Swim Club, Inc. Members are requested to cooperate in observing these rules. Parents are requested to caution their children to observe the rules and to follow the instructions of the Facility manager and Lifeguards. All persons using the Burton Hollow Swim Club’s property do so at their own risk.

    1. The Facility manager, or in his/her absence, the Assistant Facility manager, is in complete charge of the Burton Hollow Swim Club property, which includes the pool and grounds. As the agent of the Board of Directors, he/she will run the facility and will supervise all personnel on the club grounds. The Facility manager may make on-the-spot decisions in all matters, and he/she is responsible for enforcing these rules on the club grounds. In addition, the Facility manager oversees the well-being of swimmers’ health and safety. Any swimmers not observing these rules or otherwise improperly conducting themselves to the detriment of BHSC facility safety or appropriate operations can be asked to leave the club grounds. Serious or repeated offenses will be reported to the Board of Directors for considerations of appropriate disciplinary action.
    2. Comments or complaints about the operation of the facility should be referred to the Facility manager or to the President of the Club.
    1. General Swimming Daily: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM
  1. Exceptions:
    1. While Livonia Public Schools are in session, the pool will close at 8:00 PM on evenings immediately preceding school days. On school days, the hours of operation will be 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM on Mondays through Thursdays and 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM on Friday prior to Livonia Public Schools being let out for the school year.
    2. Dedicated events may result in the pool being open or closed at times other than shown above.
    1. Swim Team Practice        Monday-Friday as announced.
    2. Swimming Lessons           Monday-Friday as announced.
    3. Swim Meets – The pool will be used for scheduled swim meets. Scheduled dates and times for swim meets will be posted at BHSC. BHSC swim meets are Tuesdays and Thursdays. During BHSC home swim meets, the BHSC facility is closed at 4PM and the home swim meet will run 5 PM till close. The pool will be closed for general swimming during home swim meets, as well as prior to and following swim meets while the pool is being set up for scheduled swim meets. Occasionally there are exceptions to these days and hours. Away swim meets have no effect on BHSC’s scheduled pool hours.
    4. The pool will be closed when necessary for maintenance operations. At such times, no one is allowed within the pool enclosure except authorized personnel.
    5. Pool closings, otherwise, will be for dedicated events or functions authorized by the Board of Directors, with due notice to the membership using electronic communications.
    6. The pool and/or facilities may be closed in case of inclement weather, i.e., rain, thunder, lightning, etc., or if in the opinion of the Facility manager or Assistant Facility manager that a hazardous condition exists.
    7. Persons entering the facility other than during designated hours of operation, unless specifically authorized by a member of the Board of Directors, shall be considered trespassers and are subject to civil liability and criminal prosecution.
  1. All members in good standingcan use the BHSC facilities.
    1. Member: as described in the BHSC Bylaws.
    2. Associate Member:  as described in the BHSC Bylaws.
  1. Associate Members who have a regular sitter may arrange to have the sitter included on the family MemberSplash for a one-time fee (“Associate Member”) during the season, the amount of which will be published on the website and in the President’s yearly letter to members. The sitter will then be authorized to use the pool facilities and grounds when in the company of the member’s children. The sitter will not be authorized to use facilities alone.
  2. The member is fully responsible for all acts of the associate member while adhering to BHSC’s code of conduct.
  • A member may buy an Associate Member fee for an ex-spouse.
    1. Guests:  as described in the BHSC Bylaws.
  1. Guest who is associated with a member of BHSC willing to pay $6.00 for facility admission per day.
  2. General Guest Expectations
    1. Guests are subject to the same rules and regulations as members.
      1. A member assumes full responsibility for the conduct of and/or damage by his/her guest(s) and must be present at the club with their guests at all times. All guests must wear their wrist bands given to them by the lifeguard/Facility Manager upon entry during the duration of their stay.
    2. Members who violate or are an accessory to violation of the rules of the admittance of guests may have their rights and privileges of membership suspended for a period of time recommended by the Board of Directors.
    3. Members wishing to bring more than nine guests at any one time, which would be considered a party, must notify the Facility manager at least 72 hours in advance. Exceptions to this may be granted at the discretion of the Facility manager.
    4. The Facility manager may, at their discretion, can restrict or suspend all guest privileges as needed to alleviate overcrowding of the pool or grounds.
    5. Guest passes are valid for the season of issue only.
    6. Guests must be accompanied by a member, who is age 12 or older. An ex-spouse of a member may be a guest when accompanied by a member’s child under twelve years of age.
    7. The accompanying member will register guests at the time of entry. Applicable fees must be paid before guests will be allowed to enter the club grounds.
    1. Facility Entrance
  1. All members ages twelve and up must have their picture on file or present their student picture ID card to the office duty lifeguard (or be signed in by an accompanying adult/sitter) before entering the facilities.
  2. Members can temporarily be admitted to the facility without their picture ID card by presenting any form of picture ID and having pool personnel verify their membership (using MemberSplash). Other family members or children without picture IDs will be admitted when accompanied by a parent or guardian with valid picture on file and the child or family member is listed on the family MemberSplash website.
  1. Group swimming lessons may be offered at a cost to be decided by the Board of Directors. Private swimming lessons are available on an individual basis. See the Facility manager for further details.
  1. The Facility manager shall have final and conclusive authority to enforce all matters relating to health and safety rules. A member, a guest or an Associate Member may be ejected from the Burton Hollow Swim Club premises, for a period of time based upon the Facility manager’s discretion. Anyone failing to observe health and safety rules or who are otherwise improperly conducting themselves can be ejected. Repeated offenses will be reported to the Board of Directors through written incident reports from the facility managers.  The incident reports will determine further course of action.
  2. Parents are cautioned not to allow their children to become over-fatigued or chilled. The Facility manager or lifeguards may direct any person to take a rest period if excessive fatigue or chill is seen. As a safety precaution, children aged sixteen and under are required to leave the pool and take a 15-minute rest period each hour upon the signal of the lifeguard. The time for the 15-minute rest period will not begin until all children aged sixteen and under have cleared the pool.
  3. To ensure maximum attention to pool safety by lifeguards, members are requested not to converse with lifeguards who are on duty in the chair or on the concrete deck.
  4. All swimmers must take a shower before entering the pool.
  5. Admission to the pool will be refused to persons wearing bandages or with sores, infectious diseases, nasal or ear discharge, or excessive sunburn. The decision to allow any members, guests or Associate Members will be left to the discretion of the Facility manager in order to maintain the health and welfare of the BHSC community.
  1. No children under the age of 8 years will be admitted to the pool area unless accompanied by either an adult or by a sitter. This person must be age 12 or older and is a qualified swimmer who has been entrusted by the parent.
  2. Children aged six and older are not allowed to use the kiddie pool.
  3. Children in the kiddie pool are the sole responsibility of parents or sitters. All children in the kiddie pool shall be closely supervised by parent(s), or associate member(s), and/or authorized babysitter(s).
    1. Divers must demonstrate to the lifeguard, at the lifeguard’s discretion, that he/she can swim across the dive well in order to use the diving boards.  Note:  children using a flotation device or wearing a flotation swimsuit, etc., are not allowed to go off the diving boards or down the slide.
    2. No horseplay or shoving is allowed on or near the diving boards or slide.
    3. Divers may not throw or catch balls or other objects while using the diving boards.
    4. Only one person may be on a diving board, the slide, or steps at one time.
    5. Only one bounce is allowed on the diving board before a swimmer jumps or dives into the pool.
    6. No running on or off the diving boards.
    7. Dive or jump forward only from the end of the diving board.  Do not dive or jump off towards the side of the pool.
    8. Swim out of the diving area at once after surfacing the water and exit only from the nearest ladder on the side of the diving well.
    9. When a swimmer jumps or dives off the diving board, the next swimmer may go ahead onto diving board steps.  Divers must ensure the water area is clear prior to diving or jumping into the pool.
    10. When the diving boards are open by the lifeguards, no swimming is allowed in the diving well when the diving boards are open.
    11. When the diving boards are closed by the lifeguards, no swimmers can use the diving boards.  Swimmers are allowed to swim freely in the diving well when the diving boards are closed.  Swimmers may ask the lifeguard on duty to open the diving boards.  It is up to the discretion of the lifeguard on duty to open the diving boards for the swimmers.
    12. The sides of the deck of the diving well shall remain clear so swimmers and lifeguards have adequate space to walk from the ladders to the diving board. Any spectators on the deck watching divers shall remain at least three feet back from the edge of the diving well.
    13. One swimmer is permitted to slide down the slide at a time.  The swimmer must sit down, feet first to slide down the slide.  There is no belly first position allowed on the slide.  The swimmer must ensure that the area below the slide is cleared before sliding down the slide.

*Note: If an individual is under the age of eighteen (18), the legal guardian of the children will be involved in the disciplinary steps of the child.

  1. The following penalties for violating the Burton Hollow Swim Club’s Code of Conduct include, but are not limited to, the following penalties:
    1. 1st Level: Verbal Warning– The child will be given a verbal warning by a lifeguard or a Facility manager and told to exit the pool or facilities based upon their discretion.
    2. 2nd Level: Incident Report– An incident report about the child’s behavior will be documented by the lifeguard/Facility manager on duty.  The incident report must be reviewed by the Board of Directors and a next step decision will be stated in an email and/or letter to the parent or legal guardian of the child or guest. The child will be removed from the pool/club and the Facility manager will contact the parent.
    3. 3rd Level: Accompaniment by child’s parent or legal guardian– The child will need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian when he/she returns to BHSC.  The parent or legal guardian will stay for the duration of the visit for up to four (4) consecutive days of attendance to monitor’s the child behaviors and reassure the safety of the child and BHSC community.
    4. 4th Level: Banning of child or guest– After their return to BHSC facilities, if another incident is provoked by such individual, a final written incident report will be completed.  A formal letter will be sent to the member or guest of member banning he/she from attending Burton Hollow Swim Club for a designated period of time determined by the BHSC Board and the Facility Managers.
    5. Banning Protocol: Based upon the severity and consequences of the behavior, the Board reserves the right to act to ban a family, parent, child, or guest from attending Burton Hollow Swim Club for the remainder of the season or permanently. Violators of BHSC’s Code of Conduct will be disciplined on a case-by-case basis depending on the seriousness of the violation, prior violations, and other factors.
    6. Summary: For all banned individuals, the Board of BHSC will review each individual’s pool facility privileges at the end of the year in order to determine if their membership or guest’s privileges will be terminated permanently or if membership is warrant for next year’s membership renewal.
  1. The following penalties for violating the Burton Hollow Swim Club’s Code of Conduct include, but are not limited to, the following penalties:
    1. 1st Level: Verbal Warning– The adult will be given a verbal warning by a lifeguard or a Facility manager and told to exit the pool or facilities based upon their discretion.
    2. 2nd Level: Incident Report– An incident report about the adult’s behavior will be documented by the lifeguard/Facility manager on duty.  The incident report must be reviewed by the Board of Directors and a next step decision will be stated in an email/letter to the adult.
    3. 3rd Level: Banning of adult– After return to the pool facilities, if another incident is provoked by such individual, a final written incident report will be completed.  A formal letter will be sent to the member or guest of member banning he/she from attending Burton Hollow Swim Club for a designated period of time determined by the BHSC Board and the Facility Managers.
    4. Banning Protocol: Based upon the severity and consequences of the behavior, the Board reserves the right to act to ban an adult or family from attending Burton Hollow Swim Club for the remainder of the season or permanently. Violators of BHSC’s Code of Conduct will be disciplined on a case-by-case basis depending on the seriousness of the violation, prior violations, and other factors.
    5. Summary: For all banned individuals, the Board of BHSC will review each individual’s facility privileges at the end of the year in order to determine if their membership will be terminated permanently or if membership is warrant for next year’s membership renewal.
    1. All parties must be coordinated with the Facility manager and have the approval of the Facility manager. Parties requesting a particular date and time must be coordinated with and be approved by the Facility manager. A member must complete the online party request located on Burton Hollow Swim Club’s website. A party email or discussion must be sent to the on-duty Facility manager prior to scheduling the party. Party scheduling is on a first come basis.
    2. All parties must follow policies and procedures held herein.
    3. All parties must be sponsored by a Burton Hollow Swim Club principal adult member, who will also be in attendance during the duration of the party. The Board must approve exceptions.
    4. A fee of $6.00 per person is the charge for all attending non-member guests. There is no cost difference between swimming and non-swimming guests.
    5. For children under age 14, there must be at least one adult chaperone for each of four attending children.
    6. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed for those over 21 years of age; BHSC has a rule that no glass can be brought onto the facility.
    7. The gas grills are available for parties outside the pool area. All grills must be cleaned after use.
    8. The Facility manager will designate the party area at the beginning of the day with the reserved time clearly stated so as to minimize inconvenience to other Burton Hollow Swim Club members using the pool and grounds.
    9. The party sponsor handles cleanup. Party cleanup includes the following:  picking up trash, placing it in the dumpster, and leaving the party area in the condition in which it was prior to the party. The Facility manager or the guards are NOT responsible for setup or cleanup for the reserved party.
    10. The party sponsor handles the conduct of the party attendees, ensuring that all Burton Hollow Swim Club rules are followed. Failure to keep an orderly party may require cancellation of the party.
  1. Floating equipment, including life preservers of all types, rafts, swim masks, swim fins, snorkels, and kickboards are prohibited in the pool area except when the Facility manager grants permission. Tubes, beach balls and comparable items may be used at the Facility manager’s discretion and on designated days/hours. Small children may wear floatation devices when a parent or approved sitter is in the pool directly supervising the child. A Facility manager on duty would need to approve all flotation devices for small children to be used in the main pool. Children using a flotation device or wearing a flotation swimsuit, etc., are not allowed to go off the diving boards or down the slide. Swimming goggles may be worn at any time.
  2. Ball playing on the pool deck is prohibited during adult swim.
  3. Children aged sixteen and under must be completely out of the water and behind the red line during adult swim periods.
  4. No squirt guns or water throwing with buckets or cups are allowed in the fenced pool area or clubhouse area.
  5. No pets shall be allowed into the club, this includes the grounds, pool deck and pool.
  6. Articles of street clothing are not allowed in the pool as swimming attire. Street shoes are not allowed on the concrete deck next to the main pool. Persons returning to the concrete area from the grass will wash their feet before re-entering the pool.
  7. No food, and drinks except water are allowed on the pool deck.
  8. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the pool deck.
  9. All bicycle riders will use the area chosen for parking of bicycles.
  10. The cost of any pool property damage shall be charged to the adult member responsible. If a guest is responsible, damage costs shall be charged to the host member sponsoring the guest.
  11. No chewing gum is allowed in the pool area.
  12. Smoking is allowed only in designated smoking areas as defined by the Burton Hollow Swim Club Directors. These areas will be outside the main pool area. Smoking is prohibited inside the clubhouse of Burton Hollow or on the grounds. Smoking materials (cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco) are to be extinguished in proper containers provided for this purpose. These containers will be placed only in the designated smoking areas.
  13. No horseplay or shoving or physical aggressive behavior, etc., is allowed anywhere on the grounds.
  14. Significant changes to these rules will be given to all members via email or on Burton Hollow Swim Club’s website.
  15. Burton Hollow Swim Club is a family club and prohibits unacceptable behavior such as, but not limited to foul or abusive language, intimidation or disrespect of others, failure to respond to the instruction of guards, Facility manager or Board members.
  16. These pool rules and regulations may be revised at any time by the Board of Directors.
  17. At the discretion of the Facility manager, a lifeguard, or the Board of Directors, added rules and standards of conduct not specifically counted here may be added to ensure the safety and enjoyment of members and their guests.
  18. BHSC will not be held financially liable or responsible for any lost or stolen items.